DOROT S300 RC/M (3W), is a Diaphragm-actuated, Rigid Seal, Automatic, Remote-controlled Globe Valve, with a selector valve for manual override. The valve opens when the hydraulic relay is pressurized and closes drip-tight when the relay is de-pressurized.
BIM Models
Size Unit
Size range
Pressure rating
Working temperature
End connection type
Threaded, Flanged, Grooved
Standard construction materials
Body and Cover
Ductile Iron
Internal Parts
Up to DN150, 6″ – Stainless Steel
DN200, 8″ and above – Stainless Steel and Coated Steel
Seals + Diaphragm
* Other optional materials available upon request
DOROT S300 RC/M (3W)
DOROT S300 RC/M (3W)
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