DOROT S100 RC/M (3W), is a Weir-type Diaphragm, 3-way Automatic Remote-controlled, Globe Valve, with a selector valve for manual override. The valve opens when the hydraulic relay is pressurized and closes drip-tight when the relay is de-pressurized.
BIM Models
DOROT S100 Angle
DOROT S100 Straight-Angle
DOROT S100 Straight
Size Unit
Size range
Pressure rating
Working temperature
End connection type
Threaded, Flanged, Grooved
Standard construction materials
Body and Cover
Cast Iron
Internal Parts
Stainless Steel and Polymer
Seals + Diaphragm
Natural Rubber
* Other optional materials available upon request
DOROT S100 RC/M (3W)
DOROT S100 RC/M (3W)
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